During his numerous journeys around the world, Thierry Suzan was always seized by the unexpected character of the meetings, with the men, the animals and the landscapes.

The emergence of the beauty, at any moment, its fulgurance and its force, here is what pushes him to leave always, and what his photographic work proposes to make share.

Over the years, he has brought back thousands of photographs as witnesses of the beauties of our planet. Against the current of the apostles of the disenchantment, he made the choice to share with his contemporaries his vision resolutely turned towards the beauty, the poetry and the men.

Thierry Suzan deeply believes that the beauty when it imposes itself is precisely what unites us, gathers the people and encourages each one to love the Earth. It is universal.

He believes in the desire of those who love the world, of those who think that today still, the Earth remains to be discovered.

His photographic work is a tribute to life, travel and dreams.




During his numerous journeys around the world, Thierry Suzan was always seized by the unexpected character of the meetings, with the men, the animals and the landscapes. The emergence of the beauty, at any moment, its fulgurance and its force, here is what pushes him to leave always, and what his photographic work proposes to make share.

Over the years, he has brought back thousands of photographs as witnesses of the beauties of our planet. Against the current of the apostles of the disenchantment, he made the choice to share with his contemporaries his vision resolutely turned towards the beauty, the poetry and the men.

Thierry Suzan deeply believes that the beauty when it imposes itself is precisely what unites us, gathers the people and encourages each one to love the Earth. It is universal.

He believes in the desire of those who love the world, of those who think that today still, the Earth remains to be discovered.

His photographic work is a tribute to life, travel and dreams.



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